Thursday, January 14, 2016

418. LOTD

First of all I'd like apologize to all my stalkers and Sponsors :(

I haven't blogged since more than 3 weeks because of multiple reasons:

1. Holidays lool 
2. PC problems, mostly with Photoshop -.-
3. My dad in Hsopital AND the same time my Grandma in Hospital but both in different Hospitals right now (but both are fine)
4. A bad Eye infection which is still going on and I am so sensitive to the light that I sitting here with my sunglasses on.

I try to blog more in future but here you are warned now, that there won't be posts every day.



Madpea - Hunter's Pride @ TMD

Trophy - Highly detailed 100% mesh hunting trophy
Storm Candles - 2 per set - left and right with on/off by touch operation
Fireplace - Beautifully animated fire, on/off controlled by owner with ambient sounds.
Fireplace Accessories

DRD  - german WW1 karabiner
{vespertine} - beetle collector
{vespertine} - butterfly collector
[n.i] GACHA
{anc}  flottante puppy. milk . sitA / withCollar
:FANATIK HOME: Grizzly Rug Tundra