MadPea Production has dug up one of their best games everrrrrrrrrrrrrrr and revamped it into a story full of secrets, goosebumps and Mystery. *does the thriller dance*
I really have so say that till now this one is one of my most favorite games ever in Second Life.
As usual I got the Gold HUD with ALL the goodies, quests and more Prices \o/
So one morning I packed my bag and took the Ferry to the Peatonville Asylum.
From the begining on you should set your Windlight to region and darken your room in RL lool plus i was wearing my headset to listen to all the sounds and ghostly whispers.
Then all you have to do is explore, explore & explore. It is really important to look in every corner. You never know what you will find. *remembers the Hamster with xmas antlers O.O *
In this post I will show you nearly all of the Silver HUD Prices nd at the end more about Peatonville.
Enjoy the Ghost ride into the crazy mind of Kiana Writer LOL *hugs you *
Skin by Alterego - yumi - porcelain @ Pastel Goth Fair (October 16th - October 30th)
Shape by me
Hair by Exile - Book of sparks - Silver Price @ MadPea Peatonville Asylum
Body by Maitreya
Hands & Feet by Maitreya Clothes:
Top by Cynful Clothing & Co. - Promise Crop Top
Suspender & Thong by erratic - delice lingerie
Boots by Ison - Leather Strap Boots
Mask by ~Chimeric Fashions~ Snarling Asylum Mask (Black) - Silver Price @ MadPea Peatonville Asylum
Necklace by Aphrodite "Soul Stone heart" Necklace with amulet - Silver Price @ MadPea Peatonville Asylum
Pet by Birdy - Fox Spirit - Silver Price @ MadPea Peatonville Asylum
NOMAD // Examination Chair (Old TAG Gacha Item)
PILOT - Old Medical Room Divider - Silver Price @ MadPea Peatonville Asylum
[noctis] Butterfly dome small - Silver Price @ MadPea Peatonville Asylum
[ zerkalo ] Dropper Lamp - Silver Price @ MadPea Peatonville Asylum
Serenity Style - Peatonville Medicine Cupboard - Silver Price @ MadPea Peatonville Asylum
*AF* Collector's Spearheads - Silver Price @ MadPea Peatonville Asylum
.random.Matter. - Patient Files - Silver Price @ MadPea Peatonville Asylum
Never Totally Dead - The Cabinet - Silver Price @ MadPea Peatonville Asylum
Second Spaces - Peatonville Asylum - medications - Silver Price @ MadPea Peatonville Asylum
Culprit Shock Therapy - Silver Price @ MadPea Peatonville Asylum
junk. operating light. - Silver Price @ MadPea Peatonville Asylum
i { DH } Joan's Haunted Mirror - Silver Price @ MadPea Peatonville Asylum
Botanical - Hangman's Noose - Silver Price @ MadPea Peatonville Asylum
Interactive & Immersive
Grid-wide point & click adventure game
with prizes from top designers
Grid-wide point & click adventure game
with prizes from top designers

Peatonville Asylum was built on an isolated island with little
contact to the outside world. Top class doctors and staff were hired to
treat the most severely mentally damaged patients and a special large
grant was assigned to this rehabilitation programme aiming to use new
technologies and methods in making the patients fit for society again.
As well as brainwashing, community circles, electric shocks and
compassion treatments, the patients had very strict daily routines,
compared to the monastery. They were under constant surveillance.
The programme started to show tremendous progress in a short amount
of time and more money was invested and donated to assure that the
Peatonville Asylum would become the best mental health facility in the
However, in November 1943, all 22 residents both patients and staff all vanished without a trace.
The location is believed to be haunted.
The location is believed to be haunted.
Peatonville Asylum was never re-opened again.. Until now!
Mysterious shards are found from the asylum grounds. The researchers
believe the shards belong to what were called Soulstones, special stones
used by shamans to heal souls and restore eternal youth.
The Research Laboratory is offering rewards for any shards of the Soulstone.
Do you dare to enter the asylum to look for the shards and solve the mystery of the missing people?
Do you dare to enter the asylum to look for the shards and solve the mystery of the missing people?

Pay the vendor at the Peatonville Bay
or in participating store locations
100L, 500L or 1000L
to receive your GAME PACKAGE.
or in participating store locations
100L, 500L or 1000L
to receive your GAME PACKAGE.
Wear the HUD and it will attach on the top left corner of your screen.
Read more HERE for How to play the game!!