Skin by alterego I lulu - [chai] @ Manga Fair
Shape by me
Hair by Runaway - Tiwa Hair - Essential @ Hairology
Head by Catwa - Aisha
Body by Maitreya
Hands & Feet by Maitreya
Tattoo by Suicide Gurls - Ante Bellum - Face Tattoo 4 COMMON @ Fantasy Gacha Fair
Top, Pants, Boots, Quiver & Bow by MadPea Productions - Inca outfit (soon for the new Game )
Necklace 1 by Aitui - Bird Remains Necklace Set

Deep in central Ecuador lies a fabulous hoard of Inca treasures in
the form of golden plates, cups, bowls and idols, chalices inlaid with
precious emeralds, slabs of pure gold and leather casks filled with
jewels. The treasures are supposedly hidden deep within the
Llanganati mountain range of Ecuador by the Inca Warrior Ruminahui.
The legend holds that the Inca Warrior was on his way to Cajamarca
with an enormous amount of worked gold for the ransom when he learned
that king Atahualpa had been murdered. The amount of gold varies with
different versions of the legend, but all agree that on the news of
Atahualpa’s death, he returned to Quito and hauled the treasure up into
the Llanganatis mountains. There he hid it, either in a cave, or by
throwing it into a lake. Ruminahui continued fighting against the
Spanish and died in the fight.
The location of this ancient cache was known to a certain Juan
Valverde, a Spaniard who had married an Inca Indian’s daughter from whom
he had learned the secret. For many years Valverde disappeared with his
two brothers, Felipe and Diego for rather lengthy periods and after
each return displayed ever-increasing signs of wealth. Juan Valverde
eventually returned to Spain where he died during the 16th century. As a
legacy to the King of Spain, he left a “derrotero”, or treasure map
showing the route to this great treasure but none of the treasure
seekers whom the king sent were able to find the hoard.
Ever since then in Ecuador, countless explorers have tried to find
that Llanganati cave and have come back either empty-handed for not
finding it, or the ones who have claimed to have found it, have returned
with missing limbs saying they lost their crew to the evil that lay in
the caves. Due to this the cave has been renamed as The Devil’s Cave.
We have the “derrotero” – the treasure map for you that will help you find the lost treasure of the famous Inca Warrior. Are you able to survive to tell the tale and come back with the riches?
How will your adventure end?
Find out on August the 21st when The
Treasure of the Lost Inca Warrior opens for brave explorers to enter and
discover if you will be worthy.