The Lost Land Hunt
At the heart of the Fairelands, there is a road less taken that leads to
a forgotten land, lost in Winter. A bridge reaches across the Sea of
Mists to the island beyond. For thousands of years, it has been
abandoned, slipping from the memory of mortal and fae. Only a few ruins
remain of what once must have been a great and noble dwelling. Who lived
there long ago? Even their names are hidden in legend and story. But
there is someone who knows all the secrets of the Fairelands, and that
is the Bard Queen. Sometimes, as she paces the paths of the Junction,
speaking warmly with her subjects and visitors, smiling at their tales,
comforting their losses … Just sometimes she will pause, and she will
turn and gaze towards the forgotten land … and her eyes are filled with a
sense of loss that lies too deep for words.
Until now.
Seek out the
Bard Queen where she draws the Fairelands together, for she has a tale
to tell you and a quest to give the brave, the bold and the wise.
the tradition of immersive adventure hunt now.

The HUD and Getting Started
There are two versions of the HUD available, one priced at L$250 and
one at L$350. Both operate exactly the same way inside the hunt; the
L$350 version will also give you a costume to let you be more
“in-character” as you seek to come to the assistance of Princess Flora.
And it’s yours to keep as a memory of the Faire and the hunt; so why not
treat yourself to the full package – remember 100% of all payments go
to RFL of SL. It will also help you recognise other Hunters – and you
can help each other!
When you have purchased your HUD package, wear it. When you do so, it
will automatically unpack and create a folder in your Inventory called
FF2015 The LostLand Hunt. When it has done so, you can detach the HUD
package and then wear your hunt HUD (and your costume, if you purchased
the special edition of the HUD).
Wearing your HUD will deliver instructions on how to use it, please read them, as they will answer many of your questions.
The Hud is available at every Landing point of the Faire SIMS.
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