Malfience is the world for The Fairelands Quest: The Tale of Exiles.
The blessed realm of Belfience was once an idyllic home to a
multitude of peoples: Elves, Dwarves, Humans, Mer, and Dragons. All
shared the beauty and bounty of the land, prospering together in peace
and harmony.
But the Unweaver saw their joy, and hated it, and set about to destroy it utterly.

Through sly deceits and trickeries, the Unweaver’s minions sowed
doubts in the minds of Bellefience’s rulers, and their wisdom abandoned
them. The steady drip of poison spread slowly, then faster and faster,
hardening the hearts of each people against the others, until cruel war
blazed and consumed the realm.
Facing certain death, many fled in haste with few possessions,
forsaking their homes and a land now sick and blasted, its beauty
ruined. Those who remained – wary and grim, huddled into separate
enclaves yet determined to hold onto hope – renamed the realm Malfience,
for the evil that had been done there.

The former Belfience is far distant from the Bard Queen’s realms, and
their peoples have known little contact; none in recent memory. And so
the Bard Queen was astonished and alarmed to see a flood of desperate,
grieving exiles wash up on her shores – people for whom nothing will
ever again be the same.
Resolving to help, she draws together those realms hosting the exiles
into the Circle of the Fairelands, and sends forth her emissary to
speak with the exiles and learn of the ill fate that befell them.
It becomes clear that this quest is as difficult and dangerous as can
be imagined. To repair the evil wrought by the Unweaver, the emissary
must find a way not only to brave the deadly perils of Malfience, but
also to heal the hearts of peoples torn asunder by war.
Sapphire Mirror Lake

On the first warm day of Spring every year, the people at
Sapphire Mirror Lake reconstruct an Iron Age skeleton of what we may
call today a mythical beast: the centaur. It is said the secrets of a
powerful lost technology are locked in their bones. This year, they have
unearthed a 20 meter high gargantuan, but will it speak?
This is the Arts and Entertainment sim of Fantasy Faire 2016,
with a central stage for a variety of first-rate performances, and two
galleries featuring Fantasy themed art from the collections of some of
the best photographers in Second Life. The story above sets the mood for
the builds of the sim, both above and below sea level. Please dive in!

Sapphire Mirror Lake by Haveit Neox.
Sapphire Mirror Lake features an impressive lineup of dance and particle performances by eleven different groups.
There are also two art galleries within the sim, one above the water,
one below. These feature Second Life fantasy art from nearly 40
different artists!